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jeudi 28 novembre 2013


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA The current issue of SUMMIT MAGAZINE (October-December 2013) is very captivating. Apart from its colourful and glossy page presentation, the publication contains a wide range of highly interesting topical issues. The cover story is on the burning question of the reunification of the two Cameroons. The front cover carries striking photographs of key players in the reunification process such as John Ngu Foncha, Ahmadou Ahidjo, E.M.L. Endeley, Fon S.A.N. Angwafo, Augustine Ngom Jua, P.M. Kemcha and S.T. Muna. Related details still introduced on the cover of the magazine include a personal view by History Professor Victor Julius Ngoh, the indictment by Prof. Verkijika Fanso of President Ahmadou Ahidjo as having nursed a “secret game plan”, the opinion of Prof. Lovett Alango that Foumban was a “non political event”, and Political Commentator Dibussi Tande`s thought-provoking question: “Were Southern Cameroon leaders naïve?” In an editorial (Forward), Editorial Adviser Peter Esoka evokes the history of reunification. He makes the point rather quizzically: “Fifty two years have gone but we claim to be in our fiftieth year and hoping to celebrate it.” On a more serious note, Esoka notes that “it does not matter what anyone says for or against; one thing is certain, the union is there and has been there since 1961.” Esoka goes on to state categorically: “We chose this reunififcation business. And that`s it. The Ahidjos, Fonchas, Munas, Juas , Kales, Assales, Endeleys and a host of others. The Um Nyobes, Moumies, Ntumazahs, Wandjies are gone. We are another generation. Even if (it is) with some remiscences of uncertainties. We should hold tight (to) the rope so that it does not snap.” As the icing on the cake, SUMMIT magazine treats the reader to a double page spread of a mini album depicting the very various stages of the reunification process. The pictures are numerous, thought-provoking and irresistible. Other stories carried in the magazine include the announcement that Guinness Cameroon is back in the Mount Cameroon Race, the launching of flights to Brazil by Ethiopian Airlines, an introduction of two young celebrities, as well as an interview of the Cameroon Athletics Federation President Emmanuel Motomby Mbome who recently signed a convention with Guinness Cameroon. Due credit should be given to the entire team of SUMMIT MAGAZINE beginning with its Publisher and Acting Editor-in-Chief Kange Williams Wasaloko for the insightful and deep expositions accorded some leading Cameroonian institutions. Thanks to full colour adverts and appropriate write-ups, the publication gives the reader a punchy dose of information concerning the workings of the institutions. The organizations include the CDC, Labogenie, The Port Authority of Douala, IRAD, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, The Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, the Credit Foncier du Cameroun, Indigo Consulting, the National Advanced School of Public Works, the local councils support Fund FEICOM, Zenithe Insurance, Pamol, Sonara, Biaka Medical Centre in Buea, Anucam Publishers, Camwater, the Cameroon GCE Board, the Bilingual Training Programme of the Presidency of the Republic.
If you have not read the current issue of SUMMIT magazine, then you have not read anything! You can contact the publication through Kange Williams Wasaloko, Publisher and Acting Editor-in-Chief, Summit Magazine, P.O. Box337, Yaounde. TEL: (237) 7758 1631 / (237) 2206 9111. EMAIL:

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