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vendredi 24 juillet 2015


The books are now available online as e-books which means you can access them wherever you are and whenever you like. You can read them on the internet, on your laptop or on your phone. And what`s more, each of them will cost you only one US Dollar which is about six hundred Francs CFA!

 They are:

1-      `SAY NO TO AIDS` (Non au SIDA) which is a collection of poems, some of which are in English and some in French. The publication contains poems on HIV AIDS education. It is prefaced by the Cameroon Minister of Public Health and carries the logo and approval of the National AIDS Control Committee (NACC) which is the official organ put in place by the government of Cameroon to pilot HIV AIDS issues.

It is available at:

2-      `THE CRYING BABY` is a collection of eleven short stories on college life, living in an African village, child bed wetting, attempted robbery, gluttony, crying babies and what some mothers do with them, as well as the prospect of getting married to a minister`s daughter.

It is available at:


 contains nine short stories that touch on different aspects
 of everyday life. The themes treated in the work include love,
 education, the economy, the way parents treat their children, public
 violence, travel abroad and tourism, life and death. Of particular interest is the lead story which narrates how an eleven-year-old boy fell madly in love with a working female nurse who looked after him in hospital.

 The book is available at:


 is a collection of eight exhilarating real-life experience short stories set in an African country but which inevitably ring bells with people in other countries. The themes covered are varied and include life, disease, death, pain and frustration, achievement and joy as well as nature, the universe and God.

 It is available at:


contains ten short stories that any reader would find captivating. This is because the stories are thrilling, amusing and educative. The book is a depiction of life as a gift, as fun and as a duty. They are told in such a way that the reader feels compelled to read a story right to the end and immediately begin the next one.

 You can access through:


 contains 100 (one hundred) poems. The figure 100 stands for some outstanding facts of life such as the boiling point of water. It is the square of the figure 10, the starting point for percentages. It is the atomic number of fermium which we all know is an actinide. The figure 100 is also the unit into which most currencies of the world are divided. From that point of view, the number is noteworthy. It should be borne in mind that the book bears some resemblance to my daughter, Abu Azonga in the sense that the “flying eagle” in the title of the book is her favorite “animal”. You will know why when you read the book.

`My Flying Eagle` is available at:


 is a collection of eight stunning and mesmerizing stories that take an incisive look at some aspects of everyday life. Subjects covered include drunkenness, man`s relationship with cows, the untold tough life overseas, why stealing is wrong, the rising trade in coffins in Cameroon, the carelessness that leads to loss of life on our highways, and the puncturing of the myth that the woman is the weaker sex.


 Like with poems in any other collection, the verses in this book tell
their own individual tales. Examples are `The Cat Song` which is an
animal`s rendition, `High Treason` which tells of how a so-called
gentleman was discourteous to a lady, and `The Mocking Bird`, which is
dedicated to His Royal Highness the Fon (Traditional Ruler) of Oku in
Cameroon - a childhood friend of the author`s. Collectively though,
the poems recount a story which opens with a cat that tells the
truth; followed by a man stranded at a train station; the good fight a
departed "mother" put up; and tears being shed in `This Country`,
which is a lamentation for a country - Cameroon - in which things are
going wrong. At the same time, the poet dedicates a significant number
of the 56 poems to colleagues of his at the Cameroon Radio Television
(CRTV). It is to be noted that these poems were written at the time
the author worked at the corporation.

TOMATOES FOR FOUR` can be viewed through the link: 


One aspect that stands out in this book is the relative shortness of
its poems. In fact, few of them are up to, let alone, longer than a
score of lines and most are clearly poems made of single stanzas of
four lines each. Without doubt, such an architectural disposition
makes the work reader friendly in the sense that a reader does not
have to read too much before getting the message that is contained in
a verse. Themes treated in the collection are both deep and wide. They
include human psychology, money, religion, societal ills, evil doing
and doomsday, as well as pious living and its reward. Another
interesting feature of the poems is the fact that they are very
universal in nature and do not unnecessarily harp on any one
geographical area of the world. Such an approach enables many more
people to identify with the stories told in the poem.

The link is:

 Enjoy the books and please, I would be grateful for your feedback either through my email address or through my website or on FACEBOOK under my name <Tikum Mbah Azonga> or on Linked In under the same name. I can also be contacted through P.O. Box 625, Buea, South West Region, Republic of Cameroon.

Many thanks

Tikum Mbah Azonga

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