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samedi 16 avril 2016


It is a well known fact that Buea, headquarters of Cameroon`s South West Region has more feathers to its cap than any other regional capital in the country. The reasons are many and are by nature historic and touristic. It is also a reality that the city boasts a large number of educational institutions. But what may not be so well recognized is that yet another educational institution has just opened its doors in the metropolis. It is the Institute of Hotel Catering and Tourism Management (IHCTM).

Authorized by the government of Cameroon under the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, the school states its objective as being to “empower Cameroonians with skills for the job market”. The skills arm trainees with what it takes to create jobs for themselves or to function as employees under someone else or under an organization.

Programmes offered are in either Hotel Catering and Management (in which case they include housekeeping management, front office operations, restaurant and bar operations as well as food production), or  in Tourism Management and Development (in which case they include ecotourism planning and development, travel agency operation, ecotourism guide, and tourism development consultancy for municipalities).

As the institution is aimed at empowering trainees with job skills, it accepts candidates with a wide range of entry qualifications which include the FSLC, BEPC, CEPE, GCE O/L, GCE A/L, a degree or equivalent, or even relevant work experience. The school is manned by experienced professionals.

Programmes run for a one year period with admissions currently going on.
IHCTM is located at the Molyko Garden Park opposite the Orange Buea Telephone office. Further details can be obtained by contacting IHCTM on (237) 675827605 or (237) 69642 9621 or by emailing

N.B.: I am not part of the institution. I just thought it was a wonderful idea worth sharing.

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