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jeudi 24 novembre 2016


Mark Bareta, you are rendering the public a valuable and commendable service by keeping everyone informed of what is going on in our country. That is very good. But I fear that in your effort to do this, you may also be causing some harm without knowing it. 

One of the basic tenets of the journalism profession as I know it is the twin concept of objectivity and accepting that to every story, there are always two sides. But when while reporting facts you quickly label people as "traitors", I feel that you have hurriedly judged them without giving them a fair chance to state their own side of the story. Also, in some of your writings, you are inciting your readers to rise up in arms against the indicted persons. This was the case recently with our brother, Mr. Awah Cletus and today, the top notch Anglophone lawyers who met with the Minister of Justice. Yet, even when someone is caught red-handed committing murder, he still has the right to a fair trial in court and the possibility of defending himself.

Take note that while today we talk a lot about Common Law, it is my belief that Common Law provides that a person is “innocent until proven guilty”, whereas the other Law holds that a person is “guilty until he proves his innocence”. So it seems to me that while you seem to be upholding Common Law by word, you also appear at the same time to be disparaging and trampling on it in deed.

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