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lundi 28 décembre 2015


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Le pays de Léopold Sédar Senghor, l`une des plus anciennes colonies de la France en Afrique, est de plus d`une façon, un pays pas comme les autres.

D`abord, en 1981, Senghor qui fut le tout premier président de ce pays francophone défrayait la chronique  en démissionnant de son poste de Président de la République. Il passa la main à Abdou Diouf. De toute vraisemblance, le départ du Président Senghor était sans provocation, ni impulsion de qui que ce soit. De ce point de vue, le geste du président sortant était louable, étant donné que le Sénégal se trouvait dans un continent où les chefs d`états faisaient tout pour proroger leur séjour au pouvoir.

Par la suite, lorsque le successeur du Président Senghor perdit les présidentielles à Maitre Abdoulaye Wade,  il n`hésita pas ...

dimanche 27 décembre 2015


There is something fascinating about the two countries that are Nigeria and Cameroon. Firstly, not only are they neighbours, but they also share one very long border that stretches from north to south with people of like manner living and communing with each other on either side of the stretch.

Both countries also have an interwoven history. Although Nigeria was colonized by Britain and Cameroon was colonized by Germany, when Germany lost the world wars to the allies, Cameroon was split with four fifths of its territory given to France as a trust territory and the remaining one fifth given to Britain. The part that went to Britain was administered in two separate components called the British Southern Cameroons and the British Northern Cameroons respectively. Later the British Northern Cameroons voted to integrate themselves fully into Nigeria and are today part and parcel of Nigeria. The Southern Cameroons, on the other hand, voted overwhelmingly to rejoin their brothers and sisters of French-speaking Cameroon which had just achieved its independence from France as The Republic of Cameroon.

Today, Nigeria and Cameroon stand tall side-by-side with each other. They are both economic giants in their various economic and customs unions. Nigeria is the leading giant in the Economic and Customs Union of West African States (ECOWAS), just as Cameroon enjoys the same status in the Economic and Customs Union of Central African States (CEMAC).

Over the years, Nigeria has turned out to be one of Cameroon`s leading trading partners. In fact, if the two countries can put their heads together, trade will reach unprecedented heights with the new international road that runs from Bamenda in Cameroon, through Bali, Batibo, Widikum, Mamfe, and enters Nigeria through Ekok. Cameroon which is a major producer of food crops can find a ready market in Nigeria, while Nigeria steps up its export of finished goods to Cameroon. Considering that Nigeria has raised the French language to the status of a second official language on its national territory, Cameroon can reach an agreement with Abuja by which it supplies French teachers to work in Nigerian educational and other institutions. With the world more and more becoming a global village, Cameroon can also supply much needed translators and interpreters to handle Nigeria`s growing need for professionals in the field of translation and interpretation.

As things stand, there are indications that things are moving in that direction. The proof is that a couple of years ago, trade figures indicated that Nigeria was the leading world exporter of goods to Cameroon. This was revealed by a World Bank report that covered trading in the year 2011.

The results were published in Les Cahiers Economiques du Cameroun, a publication of the World Bank. In fact, in that year, Cameroon is said to have bought more goods from Nigeria than it bought from any other country, including countries of the CEMAC zone which are its immediate trading partners.  The volume of goods bought from Nigeria by Cameroon also exceeded that which Cameroon bought from any Francophone country outside of the CEMAC zone. Interestingly, Nigeria even beat France to it, which is remarkable, considering that France is Cameroon`s “traditional” business partner.

Compared with other countries therefore, the total volume of imports Cameroon received from Nigeria in that year, accounted for a hefty 58 % of Cameroon`s total imports. In the same period, the volume of French exports to Cameroon only stood at 13 %. Cameroon`s own export to Nigeria, however, were only eight per cent, which means that the balance of trade was in Nigeria`s favour.

Nigeria`s imported goods to Cameroon consisted mainly of manufactured goods and petroleum products, while those of Cameroon to Nigeria comprised mainly of raw materials.

Nigeria is without any doubt a heavy weight business partner, not just for Cameroon but for the whole of Africa, considering that it is Africa`s most heavily populated country with some 170 million inhabitants and the fact that only months ago, its economy was said to have outgrown that of the Republic of South Africa, thus making Nigeria the leading economy in the whole of Africa.

Furthermore, Cameroon shares much more with Nigeria than with any of its other six neighbours. In addition to their common history and the long border of 2000 kilometers, both countries are oil producers with their oil wells coming from bedrocks around the Bakassi territory. To crown it all, Nigeria and Cameroon have had their fates sealed through the ceding of the controversial oil-rich Bakassi peninsula to Cameroon by the International Court at The Hague, in Holland.

In Cameroon, Francophones are becoming more and more interested in what is happening in Nigeria. A good number of Cameroonian Francophones have studied in Nigerian universities. This is particularly the case in the field of medicine, especially in the days when Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in Yaounde was the only medical institution in Cameroon training medical doctors. Entry was rigorously controlled by the State of Cameroon and was limited to a complicated process of competitive examinations which was often compromised by the taking of bribes from candidates before they were admitted. Francophones found that once they met the minimum requirements demanded by the numerous Nigerian universities offering courses in medicine, they could enroll there and still train as medical doctors. Upon their return to Cameroon, they were duly recognized as medical doctors.

Nigeria`s good performance in the arts has also greatly attracted the attention of Cameroonian Francophones. A couple of years ago, when the Nigerian female artiste Agatha Moses released A chart-topping album, it was very positively and widely received by Cameroonians, including the Francophones. Nigeria`s booming film industry has also greatly attracted Francophone Cameroonians to the extent that it is common nowadays to watch a Nigerian film on a Cameroonian television channel that has been dubbed in French and is therefore easy for the French speakers to follow and understand.

Even so, Cameroon must sit up, considering that Nigeria has the upper hand in terms of trade, with the balance of trade being hugely in Nigeria`s favour. Cameroon must work hard to reverse that trend, so that Yaounde exports more to Nigeria and thus earn more foreign exchange from Nigeria.

Cameroon is quite well placed to play that role. Firstly, in its own Economic and Customs Union, CEMAC, it is undoubtedly the leader. Cameroon alone accounts for half of the total population of all the six CEMAC countries put together. Cameroon alone also accounts for up to 40 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the CEMAC zone.  Cameroon can conveniently serve as the missing link that was needed to bridge the trade gap between ECOWAS and CEMAC. In that way, enormous trade opportunities would be opened up, not just for Cameroon, but for all of Central and West Africa.

In such a game plan, Cameroon would be a star player because it would be able to prove to the world that it is really and truly “Africa in miniature”. This is because not only is the country the only one that is located in the very heart of Africa from north to south and from west to east, it also has a bit of what is found elsewhere in Africa. Cameroon is a member of the Islamic community, the Christian community, the Anglophone community and the francophone community – and through its belonging to the CEMAC region, one of whose three official languages is Spanish – a member of the Spanish community.

Surely, this is the dawn of a new era, not just for Cameroon and Nigeria, but for the whole of Africa.

jeudi 24 décembre 2015



(Poème écrit en 2009 et dédié à  Charles ATEBA EYENE, aujourd`hui de regrettée memoire.)

Non !
Non et non !
Je dis bien, non !
Ce n’est donc pas bon
Tu me prends pour un con
Juste pour une affaire de bons ?
Et tu prétends que c’est bon ?

Moi, je suis très éthique
Pour ce que cela implique
Mais je suis loin d’être ethnique
Traitez-moi de malheureux critique
Ou encore d’apprentis mythique
Mais le jour où je serai éclectique
Je ne serai plus elliptique.

mercredi 23 décembre 2015


AMAZING GRACE: WHERE IS ARCHBISHOP TONYE BAKOT?:                     (ARCHBISHOP TONYE BAKOT)                   (In July 2013 Mgr. Victor Tonye Bakot was replaced as Archbishop of...


                   (ARCHBISHOP TONYE BAKOT)                 

(In July 2013 Mgr. Victor Tonye Bakot was replaced as Archbishop of the Yaounde archdiocese by the Pope. Since that happened, he has gone into silence and virtually out of the public eye. Today I remember him because while I was a journalist at the Cameroon Radio Television, I used to cover his events for national television. The article that follows here is one I broadcast of FOUNDATION RADIO in Bamenda shortly after his removal, while Station Manager of the Radio. Wherever he is and whatever he may be doing now, I wish him a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.)

The Archbishop of the Yaounde Arch Diocese Mgr Simon-Victor Tonye Bakot has resigned.  In Catholic jargon, he is said to have “renounced” the post.  The noun formed from the verb, “to renounce”, being “renunciation”.

In a press statement from the Pope in Rome, The Catholic Apostolic Nuncio in charge of Cameroon based in Yaounde said Pope Francis had accepted the standing down of the six-year old Tony Bakot.  The release also indicated that the Pope had appointed the arch bishop of Ebolowa – Jean Mbarga – as apostolic administrator, in replacement of Mgr Tonye Bakot.  

A source close to the Vatican has précised that the pope accepted the renunciation in accordance with the Canon 402, paragraph 2, of the Code of Canon Law.  The same source held that the appointment of Bishop Jean Mbarga of Ebolowa as apostolic administrator is, in Latin “Sede vacante et ad nutum sanctae sedis”, another canonic provision.  However, the Apostolic Nuncio’s statement did not give reasons for Tonye Bakot’s resignation.

Suffice is to say that he heads the catholic administrative unit which is not just headquartered in Cameroon`a capital, but is also the most impactful in terms of weight.  The archdiocese comprises a surface area of 5000 square kilometres and three administrative divisions which are Mfoundi, Mefou and Akono, as well as Mefou and Afamba.  It has a total population of some three million souls.

Furthermore, the Episcopal province of Yaounde is rich in landed property. It boasts an entire network of schools, colleges, high schools, bookshops and some thirty dispensaries and health centres.

Despite the absence of an official explanation for the archbishop’s renunciation, it is an open secret that in recent years, the authority of the man of God who was made archbishop of Yaounde in 2003, had come under frequent public scrutiny and questioning.

Archbishop Tonye Bakot has unofficially been accused of handling church property as if it was his personal possession.  A case in point is the imposing Basilica at Mvolye in Yaounde, which he is said to have plunged into debts to the tune of around 5 billion francs CFA.  He is also accused of having made the church through the archdiocese a partner in a transaction with an Estate property company which he is not said to have treated fairly.  Only a week prior to his resignation, the publication, “La Nouvelle” predicted that the archbishop’s allegedly unclean dealings with the company had been, I quote, “a series of dirty tricks worthy of the top feymen of the country”.  The publication concluded that the matter was “an incredible affair which ran the risk of once more rocking the Catholic Church in Cameroon”.

Another problem the archbishop ran into was a scandal caused when an internal memo he wrote to one of his priests, Father Martin Brida, touched raw ethnic nerves.  Brida was a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Management at the Catholic University of Central Africa.  Following the revelation, the archbishop is said to have sacked another priest of the same Catholic University, Father Ludovic Lado, allegedly for having been the one who leaked the internal memo.

Unlike Pope Benedict the 16th who stepped down for reasons of failing health and age, Bakot’s own reasons, whatever they may be, may not be connected to health.  Firstly, at 66, he is still relatively young. Secondly, ever since he took over his functions in Yaounde, he has not been known to be dogged by ill health.

It is significant that Tonye Bakot is ceasing to be the archbishop of  Yaounde while still alive.  His two immediate predecessors, Archbishop André Wouking and Archbishop Jean Zoa, died in office.  So, on a positive note, Tonye Bakot has broken the unwritten rule of spiritual leaders of the archdiocese to quit in active service.

To Mgr Tonye Bakot’s credit, he was a Bassa native appointed to Yaounde in the heartland of the Beti people.  When his immediate predecessor, Wouking was appointed some sons and daughters of the soil protested to the effect that someone who was not one of them had been appointed to that position.  If there was ever such a problem with Bakot’s appointment, then the pope has finally solved it because Tonye Bakot’s successor is Beti.

Even so, Tonye Bakot has left lasting landmarks in the archdiocese of Yaounde.  He was twice President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon.  He is a member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication in Rome and a leading dignitary of the Catholic University of Central Africa.

During his homilies at mass, he charmed the congregation with his mastery of Ewondo.  He started the mass by saying: ‘Ma sug nin-oh’ then would quote sections of the scriptures such as “Anga bone . . . nti Zambe ngul me se kar na, ma ne zen, ne enying, mo ne babela” which means something like “ I greet all of you. Once upon a time . . .  God the Almighty said I am the way, the life and the truth”. He also speaks English and I used to interview him in English for the news.

Whether Tonye Bakot was pushed or he jumped on his own accord is now immaterial.  What happens next to him is what everyone is waiting to hear and see.


Este pintura es muy hermosa
Es también muy cara
Si quieres comprarla
Tienes que ir en Salamanca
No es possible aqui en Bata.


No soy un perro
No soy un cerdo
Soy un ser humano
¿Entonces, por qué me envía usted sus epístolas?
¿Por qué me pide usted papeles falsos?
¿Por qué quiere usted ver mi trasero?

No tengo papeles falsos
No leo epístolas extranjeras
No los conozco
Sólo conozco mi país
Por eso vivo allí
Tan no hágame ninguna pregunta
Amo mi país.


Aqui se negocian los valores
Acciones y obligaciones
En el mercado
Hay varios modos
Las bolsas de comercio
Las operacionesa plazo fijo
Las operaciones a plazo libre
Y posiblamente con prima
Hay tambien
La posibilidadde aceptar or de rscindir
No es obligatorio
Con el alcista
Puede cuentar con el aza de los precios
El bajista es la persona
Que vend para comprara menos caro
Entre las bolsas importantes del mundo
Hay ella de Nueva York
Hay ella de Londres
Y hay tabién ella de Madrid.

mardi 22 décembre 2015


La ley condena el robo
No robar
El robo es malo
Si robas
Iras a la cárcel
Iras a la prisión.


Todos los dias
Necesitamos la publicitaria
La campaña publicitaria
Es muy importante
Por las empresas.

Pero no puede se hacer en el...



AMAZING GRACE: WHY THE PARAMOUNT CHIEF WON`T RAKE LAVA: I`m not sliced onion No, I`m molten lava I roll down royal cheeks And sweep the Queen Mother`s debris in my wake. I were ...


I`m not sliced onion
No, I`m molten lava
I roll down royal cheeks
And sweep the Queen Mother`s debris in my wake.

I were Gideon
And sang a song called Java
Perhaps you`d roll back my lava up the creeks
And ask the Paramount Chief to get up and rake?