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samedi 30 novembre 2013

THE LOVE-SHAPED HEART (For Her the teacher in Belo Sub Division) You are as beautiful as the heart And as bright as God`s holy light I`m a veritable Scorpio Standing here to commune with you Hoping you`re my natural Soul Mate. When I don`t swim, I dart Never do I suffer from potato blight Because I also know something about files in folio That`s why I detest the loo Especially when I have a date.

THE LOVE-SHAPED HEART (For Her the teacher in Belo Sub Division) You are as beautiful as the heart And as bright as God`s holy light I`m a veritable Scorpio Standing here to commune with you Hoping you`re my natural Soul Mate. When I don`t swim, I dart Never do I suffer from potato blight Because I also know something about files in folio That`s why I detest the loo Especially when I have a date.


The man came alone And wrong-footed us So what about the expensive arsenal? What about our cherished footman? What about the precious time? Weren’t we then one giant clone? Or why were at so much of a loss? Yet we were no supporters of Arsenal Although we were born in Manyemen So, what exactly was our crime?

vendredi 29 novembre 2013


I went nearer Thinking all the time she was mine I smiled broadly Convinced I had landed. She lifted her hand and said, “You are excreta!” Then the sweet taste quickly turned into sour lime She pointed at me menacingly And asked why I was so blinded.


Look down here Do look here too We are down here We are the down people We belong here. You are up there So don’t think you’re two I hope I’m clear We’re not rubble And one day you too will belong here.


Where are you, anyway? Inside? Outside? Underneath? Above? Somewhere? Anywhere? Or Nowhere?


After all of that, nothing to show And you call yourself a master of the art? You think you have done what Napoleon left undone! Come on! Who are you, anyway?


Step on it! Do so at once! Do it or simply step aside! Don’t divide us Otherwise, they’ll think you are unfit.


I know you You could have done it Even if you were alone So why did you chicken out? Why did you cut and run?


We all saw her leave With her pockets and bags bulging with food Yet she had eaten more than anyone else. What a disgrace Or is it a curse? She’s always like that She disgraces her husband and children whenever she goes out. What shall we do with her? Where shall we hide her?


There are no ranks here There are only grades So if you block anyone’s promotion file Your grade will be ranked lower.


This book is rare I believe it comes from God’s own Christmas bookshelf Just to butter ones bread of life So that the pastor never uses it to lay us bare.


Jean Claude is back Although we haven’t seen The iron hands of his Uncle the mason Even so, he’s not a hacker; at least not yet He wants all the new altar boys to come clean Only then will he go for confession.


All he wants is power So he can bring us lower He wants to stand alone And claim the lone bone.


(A Marie la Mère de Dieu) Moi auiss, j`attends le bonheur dans ma vie Sincèrement! Ne ris pas! Je te vide mon coeur comme ça Purement et simplement Et pourquoi pas, en bonne et due forme? Ça fait des années depuis que j`attends Et je te jure que j`en ai vue de toutes les sortes Des soulards, des menteurs, des tricheurs Et j`en passe! Je ne baisserai pas les bras tant qu`il y a la vie Je chercherai, meme si c`est jusqu`à Bata Car qui exclue la douleur d`ici bas? Je n`ignore pas qu`il n`y a pas de nourriture sans piment Du point de vue fond comme du point de vue forme Sachez donc que mon émotion est loin d`être latente Voilà pourquoi je frapperai à toues les portes Et je le ferai sans injonction Car je ne veux pas de cascadeurs Sinon je serai mouillée.

jeudi 28 novembre 2013


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA The current issue of SUMMIT MAGAZINE (October-December 2013) is very captivating. Apart from its colourful and glossy page presentation, the publication contains a wide range of highly interesting topical issues. The cover story is on the burning question of the reunification of the two Cameroons. The front cover carries striking photographs of key players in the reunification process such as John Ngu Foncha, Ahmadou Ahidjo, E.M.L. Endeley, Fon S.A.N. Angwafo, Augustine Ngom Jua, P.M. Kemcha and S.T. Muna. Related details still introduced on the cover of the magazine include a personal view by History Professor Victor Julius Ngoh, the indictment by Prof. Verkijika Fanso of President Ahmadou Ahidjo as having nursed a “secret game plan”, the opinion of Prof. Lovett Alango that Foumban was a “non political event”, and Political Commentator Dibussi Tande`s thought-provoking question: “Were Southern Cameroon leaders naïve?” In an editorial (Forward), Editorial Adviser Peter Esoka evokes the history of reunification. He makes the point rather quizzically: “Fifty two years have gone but we claim to be in our fiftieth year and hoping to celebrate it.” On a more serious note, Esoka notes that “it does not matter what anyone says for or against; one thing is certain, the union is there and has been there since 1961.” Esoka goes on to state categorically: “We chose this reunififcation business. And that`s it. The Ahidjos, Fonchas, Munas, Juas , Kales, Assales, Endeleys and a host of others. The Um Nyobes, Moumies, Ntumazahs, Wandjies are gone. We are another generation. Even if (it is) with some remiscences of uncertainties. We should hold tight (to) the rope so that it does not snap.” As the icing on the cake, SUMMIT magazine treats the reader to a double page spread of a mini album depicting the very various stages of the reunification process. The pictures are numerous, thought-provoking and irresistible. Other stories carried in the magazine include the announcement that Guinness Cameroon is back in the Mount Cameroon Race, the launching of flights to Brazil by Ethiopian Airlines, an introduction of two young celebrities, as well as an interview of the Cameroon Athletics Federation President Emmanuel Motomby Mbome who recently signed a convention with Guinness Cameroon. Due credit should be given to the entire team of SUMMIT MAGAZINE beginning with its Publisher and Acting Editor-in-Chief Kange Williams Wasaloko for the insightful and deep expositions accorded some leading Cameroonian institutions. Thanks to full colour adverts and appropriate write-ups, the publication gives the reader a punchy dose of information concerning the workings of the institutions. The organizations include the CDC, Labogenie, The Port Authority of Douala, IRAD, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, The Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, the Credit Foncier du Cameroun, Indigo Consulting, the National Advanced School of Public Works, the local councils support Fund FEICOM, Zenithe Insurance, Pamol, Sonara, Biaka Medical Centre in Buea, Anucam Publishers, Camwater, the Cameroon GCE Board, the Bilingual Training Programme of the Presidency of the Republic.
If you have not read the current issue of SUMMIT magazine, then you have not read anything! You can contact the publication through Kange Williams Wasaloko, Publisher and Acting Editor-in-Chief, Summit Magazine, P.O. Box337, Yaounde. TEL: (237) 7758 1631 / (237) 2206 9111. EMAIL:

mercredi 27 novembre 2013


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA No man is God Unless he`s a sod God is too lofty To be taken so lowly.


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA I did it for you, dear Although you weren`t here I scaled all the heights Just to prove my fidelity.


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA It`s no mystery Unless you`re a Somali warlord But remember that in times of plenty Even the foolish can hoard goods.


(For Pa Samson Tanyi of London) BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA We all stood there shouting None of us thought of the fleeing bee When the mayor decided to flee too We all burst out laughing. The Mr. Samson Tanyi from London stepped forward and said “Listen, all of you If you are walking on the road and a lion steps into your way While at the same time you`re being bitten by an ant, Which threat will you address first?”


(For Dr. Sani Gur Amawa who today attended and supported Dr Amungwa Athanasius as he launched his new book, RURAL SOCIOLOGY at the University of Buea) BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA We let it sail unbridled and unfettered Just to circumvent the old rails We gave priority to the rural world And put the urban world on hold, for a while. All the relevant paradigms were unaltered Because while espousing sociological theories We used both quantitative and qualitative methods Why not? Is research not about covering and uncovering?


(For my longtime friend Bernard Muambo whose brother I met at the University of Buea today) BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA Washington is surely not far Even if you journey by car But then, if you think of the Bronx Then just know it`s a hoax.


(For Dr. Amungwa Athanasius, today Wednesday 27 November, the day he launched Rural Sociology in Amphi 750 of the University of Buea). BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA Is it arable? Or is it just rural? If it`s a cradle Then surely, we can`t all be so frugal.


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA He dropped in this morning To vindicate himself Perhaps he knew we were mourning If, not, then why displace the bookshelf?


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA Where is the loose bearing? I mean the oily and thick one It was over there on the safari table Just before dawn Now I can`t find it. Is it because of that quaint earring? Or the light that went to everyone Here we hardly trade a spare part for a fable For why should we when we have no lawn? Unless this bearing of ours is all grit?


BY TIKUM MBAH AZONGA She is here She has driven in like the farmer`s daughter Dressed to kill in trousers Clutching her cell phone to her ear For all of us to see Her gait is majestic And her built is provoking All eyes are on her. She walks and struts with no fear Even if she`s seized by a sudden shiver All she needs now is a bouquet of flowers So that she can once more move into higher gear Then will she sweep us off to the great sea And make us feel like an old piece of elastic The next minute she`ll be back looking hectic So, for God`s sake, don`t blame her.

lundi 25 novembre 2013


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By Tikum Mbah Azonga

On the 29th of July this year, Dr. Nalova Lyonga, until then Deputy Vice Chancellor in Charge of Teaching and TICs at the University of Buea, was appointed Vice Chancellor of that University through a decree signed by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya.
One of the first steps she took was to lay out her vision for the university. She did so in an exclusive interview granted to The Post newspaper.
Tikum Mbah Azonga went through the interview and put together this report.

If one were to sum up the interview in one phrase, it would be that Dr. Nalova Lyonga has pledged to put the University of Buea back on the map.
One priority area is that of the BMP, or Bachelor`s, Master`s, PhD programme which is part of the new dispensation of higher education awards already applicable in European Universities. The system relates training directly to the job market whether in terms of job obtainment or job creation. Such a setup makes education more relevant, more productive and more flexible. The Vice Chancellor says henceforth, the University of Buea will closely look at the nature of teaching in the new era.
Technology, she says, must be expanded: “With technology, it will help you to reduce some of the problems of human resources”. According to her, this decongestion would also help to make transcripts available to graduates quicker and more satisfactorily.
To the vexatious problem of corruption which The Post termed, “rife at the University of Buea”, Dr Nalova Lyonga said: “An institution runs on rules and regulations. We will look at the issues and ask people what is the right way. Everybody should know what the right way is. Based on that, we`re going to go by the rules and regulations”.
Concerning claims by the Students` Union, UBSU, the Vice Chancellor said , “students need to express what they want and we are going to dialogue and find solutions to the problems”. Whatever is the case, the Vice Chancellor said, students should prioritize their work, for that is the principal reason for their being at university.
By Tikum Mbah 
On the 29th of July this year, Dr. Nalova Lyonga, until then Deputy Vice Chancellor in Charge of Teaching and TICs at the University of Buea, was appointed Vice Chancellor of that University through a decree signed by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya.
One of the first steps she took was to lay out her vision for the university. She did so in an exclusive interview granted to The Post newspaper.
Tikum Mbah Azonga went through the interview and put together this report.

If one were to sum up the interview in one phrase, it would be that Dr. Nalova Lyonga has pledged to put the University of Buea back on the map.
One priority area is that of the BMP, or Bachelor`s, Master`s, PhD programme which is part of the new dispensation of higher education awards already applicable in European Universities. The system relates training directly to the job market whether in terms of job obtainment or job creation. Such a setup makes education more relevant, more productive and more flexible. The Vice Chancellor says henceforth, the University of Buea will closely look at the nature of teaching in the new era.
Technology, she says, must be expanded: “With technology, it will help you to reduce some of the problems of human resources”. According to her, this decongestion would also help to make transcripts available to graduates quicker and more satisfactorily.
To the vexatious problem of corruption which The Post termed, “rife at the University of Buea”, Dr Nalova Lyonga said: “An institution runs on rules and regulations. We will look at the issues and ask people what is the right way. Everybody should know what the right way is. Based on that, we`re going to go by the rules and regulations”.
Concerning claims by the Students` Union, UBSU, the Vice Chancellor said , “students need to express what they want and we are going to dialogue and find solutions to the problems”. Whatever is the case, the Vice Chancellor said, students should prioritize their work, for that is the principal reason for their being at university.
With reference to the teaching staff trade union, SYNES which had frequently been at daggers drawn with the university administration, the Vice Chancellor affirmed that SYNES members are teachers like everyone else. As such, Union members have the same problems as all others. The solution, she said, lies in sitting together and tackling the problems together.
On the whole, the Vice Chancellor held that she would redynamize the University of Buea, not all alone, but with the support of everyone. That is when, she says, the University of Buea will not only really and truly be “the place to be”, but will also find its rightful place on the world map.
This paper was first broadcast on Foundation Radio, Ngomgham-Bamenda on Friday the 13th of July 2012. The Radio is an offshoot of the Fomunyoh Foundation. Dr Chris Fomunyoh recently appointed me Executive Station Manager of Foundation Radio. I am handling this alongside my full time job as Head of the Communication Division of the University of Bamenda.
th reference to the teaching staff trade union, SYNES which had frequently been at daggers drawn with the university administration, the Vice Chancellor affirmed that SYNES members are teachers like everyone else. As such, Union members have the same problems as all others. The solution, she said, lies in sitting together and tackling the problems together.
On the whole, the Vice Chancellor held that she would redynamize the University of Buea, not all alone, but with the support of everyone. That is when, she says, the University of Buea will not only really and truly be “the place to be”, but will also find its rightful place on the world map.
This paper was first broadcast on Foundation Radio, Ngomgham-Bamenda on Friday the 13th of July 2012. The Radio is an offshoot of the Fomunyoh Foundation.