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jeudi 26 février 2015


(NOTE: This article was first published on my blog, AMAZINGA GRACE on the 11th of October 2011.)


Shortly after the last presidential election held on the 9th of October 2011 in which the leader of the PAP party, Ayah Paul Abine, was one of   23 opposition party candidates who ran against Incumbent President Paul Biya of the CPDM, Ayah published pictures of women demonstrating at the Cameroon Tea Estate (CTE) for nonpayment of dues. When the elections were announced, Ayah surprised everyone by coming fifth among the 24 candidates who vied for the post. 

When he published the images, he also pointed out that the women`s demonstration had been broken up by local administrators. Ayah did well by bringing this “social injustice” to the attention of the world. However, he could have gone further. But he stopped short. By reporting the event, Ayah did the job of a journalist which is to “expose”. He did not do that of the politician which is to “correct”. Where Ayah erred is that as a politician and especially a presidential candidate who literally came from nowhere to find himself so high up on the league table of presidential candidates, he should have exploited the incident of the striking women to his own advantage. Instead of just reporting, the former parliamentarian could have acted by either personally marching up to the regional governor`s office and asking him some tough questions, or driving to Yaounde to demand an explanation from the minister in charge. If he did that then he would have been parading a solution to the public, not the problem.

 Right now, Ayah has tremendous power and political clout which he does not seem to realize. So from that view point, he is like the proverbial man who earned five thousand francs a day but lived poorly on only five hundred francs. Ayah after all did comparatively well in the recent presidential election. In fact, after Paul Biya with a 77.9 score; Ni John Fru Ndi coming second with 10.7; Garga Haman Adji coming third with 3.2, it is Ayah who followed in fifth place with 1.2 per cent. Ayah is to be commended because unlike the other candidates, he is a first time comer to the presidential race. 

From that perspective, Walla Edith Kabang (popularly known as ‘Ka Walla’) another new comer and the woman with the best score at the election, deserves some praise for coming closely behind Ayah at number 6th place with 0.71 per cent of the votes. 

Henceforth, it is in Ayah`s political interest to  learn that in order to grow stronger in politics and be able to stand the test of time, a politician should seek to show what he can do for the people rather than just show that he can demonstrate that his adversary is ruling poorly.



I must confess: I have a love-hate relationship for Former American President, George Walker Bush. He is the president who lied to his country, the world and God. Yet, America is such a great God-fearing nation. George Walker Bush, the 43rd president of the United under false pretexts invaded Iraq, toppled its president and "raped" the country, claiming that the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, was harbouring weapons of mass destruction. In the end no such weapons were found. The result is that today Iraq is on its knees. It suffers depravity of all kinds: acute water shortages, temperamental electricity supply, and above all, abject insecurity. Today, Iraq is a thousand times worse off than it was under Saddam. So for those reasons, George Walker Bush ought to be cursed. It is for those reasons that I call the Former U.S. president “the devil”.


 Even so, I take off my hat for Bush for breaking down taboos and doing what could rightly be called “the impossible” in modern day America. In an era when not many African Americans had reared their heads in American politics, let alone in top positions, George Walker Bush appointed Colin Powell as Secretary of State of the United States. It was a big gamble Bush took. But it worked, because Colin was not received with any hostility by the public. Although some pundits may argue that it was a just reward for the way Powell handled the war with Iraq, a counter argument could be that even so, the president could have rewarded him with a lesser position. But he did not.


As things turned out, the General`s appointment was only the tip of the iceberg. It was only an indication of things to come because after Powell, the same President not only appointed another African American to that prestigious post of Secretary of State ; he went for a woman this time: Condoleezza Rice. Therefore, if Powell`s appointment had by any chance been considered as an accident, Rice`s own was a clear shattering of that thinking. Rice did not only prove to be ruthlessly efficient, she also proved to the world that she was not just the pretty face with the coveted gap teeth: she was also an intelligent woman. None of that is surprising because one only needs to look at Rice`s educational and professional profile to understand that she is really and truly a woman of substance.


 Interestingly, there is an aspect of the relationship between these two people that may not be well known to the public. Bush, born on July 6 is a Cancerian and Rice on November 14 is Scorpio. Together they make an incredibly compatible “couple”. They are both Water signs, a factor which makes them look as if they were “made for each other”. This applies whether they are at work or at home, although in this specific case, their relationship was professional. It is worth recalling that there are three Water signs, the third one being Pisces, just as there are three earth signs (Capricorn like Jesus Christ, Virgo like Mary the Mother of Jesus; and thirdly, Taurus like Joseph the spouse of Mary and earthly father of Jesus). Similarly, there are three Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra) and three Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). Basically, any tow of the three signs under any of the four natural elements can yield that high degree of compatibility. In statistical terms, we can rate it at 85 per cent at the start of the relationship. The association between Bush (Cancer) and Rice (Scorpio) is so therefore intense that they can communicate with each other very well, even unconsciously like in their sleep. They can read what is in the mind of the other person with surprising precision. By looking at the other person, they can detect a problem and find its solution without the “sufferer” having said anything to express it. The online source describes the relationship thus: “Since both the Cancer and Scorpio are Water signs, they blend well with each other and pair up easily. Both the Cancer and the Scorpio takes commitment seriously, and none of them is frivolous with their romantic feelings and expressions. They both create a strong bond of unlimited passion and compassion.” Another source, says “The chemistry between a Scorpio Woman and a Cancer man is amazing and everlasting. Scorpio woman will be devoted and will give him everything that he wants. Both the zodiac signs complement each other. Scorpio woman will inspire a Cancer man to reach great heights and also to stay calm. However, a Scorpio woman is jealous and will make a Cancer man secured as he is also very possessive for her. The Cancer man is very emotional and with minor glitches the couple will enjoy good times ahead.”


 Surely, those two appointments fearlessly made by George Walker Bush have gone down in the annals of history as great success stories. They have also given a new orientation to political thinking in America and the world at large. So, whether we like it or not, the relatively easy ride over of Barrack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, to the White House came about as a result of the solid groundwork Bush had laid, perhaps unconsciously. By doing that, Bush made not just America but the entire world a better place.


Having read this, you may wonder how then I could have placed God and the devil – two opposite poles – in the same person. Frankly, I cannot answer the question.


This paper is an adaptation of an earlier one I delivered on the Cameroon National Radio Television Station on the 17th of February 2003, as a spontaneous reaction to the then President George Walker Bush`s unstoppable determination to go to war. The paper was one of the daily political commentaries I delivered on the 6.30 a.m. prime time national and world news on Cameroon Radio Television between 2002 and 2005
By all accounts, the split among members of the Security Council ought to be taken seriously. Key members such as France, Germany and Russia have distanced themselves from America by advocating for the weapons inspectors to be given more time. Although the United States and Britain continue to gun for a second Security Council resolution to be brought to bear on Iraq, the danger is that since some permanent members of the council are opposed to war against Iraq, at least not just yet, it is enough for them to slam a veto on the resolution for it to fail. If that was done, the wind would be taken out of George Bush’s sail and his thunder, stolen storm.

As if in conformity with the adage that it never rains but it pours, the knife has been further twisted on America and its British allies by the thousands of demonstrators who turned out in numerous world capitals to say ‘no to war against Iraq`. Large numbers of demonstrators also took to the streets in America, which means that even in George Bush’s own backyard, there are dissenting voices. Although partisans of the pro-war camp have argued that those who demonstrated were in the minority, it is also true that the number of people that demonstrated were the largest in recent times. But the problem is that  if one considers the arsenal America has built up in readiness for this war against Iraq, one cannot help imagining how immense George Brush’ disappointment would be if there was after all no war and he had to recall the troops. Politically, it would be suicidal, with him being seen as having capitulated and thus handed Saddam Hussein another victory on a platter of gold. That is why the next few weeks, perhaps days, are crucial for the American President.
 If Bush feels he is now between a rock and a hard place, as Americans love to put, then he should also remember that he brought it upon himself by boasting that America would force Saddam Hussein to disarm, with or without the United Nations. By so doing, he sought to resort to bully boy tactics. That statement was both over the top and below the belt because it implied America could by-pass the United Nations. It is therefore not surprising that former South African President Nelson Mandela ha lampooned President Bush on the subject. Undoubtedly, Iraq is a big test for George Bush. Already Ossama Ben Ladin has slipped through his fingers and North Korea is taunting him. The world is watching to see what will be his next move.


Although when Colin Luther Powell’s resignation was made known on Monday, one of those informally mentioned as a likely successor was Condoleezza Rice, whom President George Walker Bush had appointed National Security Advisor only in January, the ultimate choice of her as the new secretary of state, a post which is widely believed to be the most influential in the American government, still surprised many.

 Obviously, the first thing that would strike anyone about Condoleezza Rice is her exquisite beauty and her irresistible charm. But beyond that, there is a lot to Condoleezza Rice than meets the eye. She is the first black woman to hold that prestigious post in the history of the United States of America. With Condoleezza Rice so honored, the Black vote is likely to go to whichever Republican candidate will succeed Bush at the next Presidential election. The question however is, since Rice is a Black woman, will she now give Africa pride of place in her execution of American foreign policy? By appointing Condoleezza Rice, George Walker Bush has gone to lengths never before attained by any American President. By so doing, he has stolen the thunder of the Democratic Party, the American party most associated with the championship of the ethnic Minorities. Even so, President Bush’s choice of Condoleezza Rice is not only based on her nice looks. Far from it, Bush appears to have done so out of conviction, for instance, he has stated that Rice’s foreign policy experience and struggle against racism uniquely qualify her to be what he termed “America’s face to the World”.

As a person, Rice has an outstanding pedigree. Born on November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in political science, a master’s from Notre Dame University and a PhD from the University of Denver. She has also been awarded honorary degrees from a number of universities. In her professional life, she once was chief budget and academic officer of a university where she managed an annual budget of 1.5 dollars. Dr Condoleezza Rice has won two of the highest teaching awards: the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award and the Sciences Dean’s Award, both for her excellent teaching qualities. She is a professor of political science and has been Board Member of Several Corporations and Foundations.

 Significantly, Rice turned 50 only five days ago, a factor which indicates that she was born under the astrological sign of Scorpio and is therefore highly compatible with President George Walker Bush who is a Cancer. Both signs, along with Pisces, make up the three signs ruled by the natural element, Water. Consequently, they have a lot of mutual regard for each other. The three signs understand each other so well that one astrologer said that the union linking them together was not only made in God’s house, but actually ordained in his bedroom. It will be interesting to see how far this “ideal couple” will go in the running of America’s national and foreign issues.


This paper is an adaptation of an earlier one I delivered on the Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV) National Radio Station  on the 7.30 prime time national radio news programme of the 19th of November 2004. This paper was one of hundreds of political chronicles I delivered on the news programme from 2002 to 2005.

Man, know thyself

Does the SCNC, the popular appellation given to the `Southern Cameroons National Council`, exist? If it exists, is it feasting or is it grieving? Is it balanced or is it reeling? Is it futuristic or is it moribund and a spent force. In other words, has it become an organ that has outlived its usefulness and is today only a shadow of its old self? In short, has the SCNC become a thing of the past?

 My name is legion for we are many

 If after reading the above questions you feel they are too many, then that is just what this is all about because many questions need to be asked about the organization so that it can step forward and say exactly who it is and what precisely is its mission here on earth and even thereafter beyond. On the surface, the SCNC professes to be a force aimed at righting a wrong done to the imaginary territory it calls its own. The organization states that “La République du Cameroun” which is the French-speaking part of today’s Cameroon, came into “an unholy union” with the English-speaking Southern Cameroons with the result that today, the Southern Cameroons are engulfed, swallowed up, downtrodden and reduced to second-class citizens.

 Point of divergence

 The bone of contention here is that in the plebiscite that was organized by the UN ostensibly to determine the fate of the Southern Cameroons which had been made a British Trust Territory, there was a serious omission in the sense that the option of the Southern Cameroon’s standing on its and being self-governing was not allowed. We call the territory “imaginary” because once the results of the plebiscite were universally recognized, the new dispensation came into effect with the two “Cameroons” officially recognized as being united. Subsequently, the French speaking State of Cameroon was set up alongside the English-speaking State of West Cameroon. The two structures were superimposed by the Federal State of Cameroon. Ever since the new structures were put in place, the international community has recognized Cameroon and treated it as a single country. That is why the country offices of United Nations bodies are located in Yaoundé, the national capital and nowhere else. These include the national bases of bodies such as UNESCO, the UNFPF, WHO, IMF, World Bank, UNIDO, ILO and the FAO. International NGOs are also located in Yaounde. These include the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, Habitat, Sight Savers, Plan International, and the WWF, to name some. In addition, it is in Yaounde that diplomatic missions are based. These include the major ones such as those of the USA, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Spain, Portugal the Republic of South Africa and Israel. Letters of Credence of foreign Ambassadors accredited to Yaounde are duly received by Paul Biya in his capacity as President of the Republic. When foreign dignitaries visit the country from any of the above institutions or countries, they are again, received by Paul Biya in his capacity as President of the Republic and the guests treat him as such. At no time are any of these activities associated with a territory called “The Southern Cameroons”. So the proponents of the Southern Cameroons really must look themselves in the eye and tell themselves the truth.

 On turning back the clock

It is true, as some say, that “fates were sealed” when leaders of the Southern Cameroons met with the then President of French-speaking Cameroon, Ahmadou Ahidjo, in the west cultural town of Foumban in 1961, and were “fooled” into compromising the destiny of the Southern Cameroons. But strictly speaking, that was then and this is now. A lot of water has flown under the bridge and so while advocates of the Southern Cameroons remain entrenched in their position, the rest of the world is moving on. Stakes have changed and the scenario is no longer the same. So if members of that school of thought do not wake themselves from slumber they may find that the train has taken off without them and they are left behind with the grass growing under their feet.

 Just wishful thinking?

 Supporters of the Southern Cameroons thesis say they want the Southern Cameroons territory to be restored to its “rightful owners”. Fine and good. But who will restore it to them? There is a saying that power is grabbed, not given. Besides, the United Nations is not in the business of breaking up countries. However, history is replete with cases of the United Nations having to recognize those who have forcefully taken up arms and fought their way to autonomy. But that is not the case with the Southern Cameroons leaders. They have proved to be solid on three points: one, talk; two, talk; and three, talk. So there is much talk and no action. In that case, they are like toothless dogs that bark but move no one. An in any case, it is said that even when the dog barks, its bark is really not might, but fright.

 Unequal show of strength

 Even so, if the Southern Cameroons were to start a war, it is very unlikely that they would win it. Their claim, that it is they who are neighbours to the South with Nigeria and not “La République” is flawed because if they think Nigeria would support them in a war against “La République”, then that confidence is questionable for two reasons. The first is that Nigeria has learned first hand what the ravages of a civil war can be, after fighting and surviving the Nigerian-Biafran Civil War of some four decades ago. The country made colossal losses in human and material terms to the extent that today, Nigerians look back at the war as a terrible nightmare they would rather forget. The other reason for Nigeria’s reluctance to enter a war against Yaounde is that just like Yaounde, Abuja has very strong ties with Paris which they are not prepared to sacrifice. Today, French is the de facto second official language in Nigeria, after English. Besides, French investment in Nigeria is very significant. The volume of trade between Nigeria and France is so heavy that it surpasses that with some traditional Francophone African countries.

France is both here and there

For those who do not know it, France will not relent on its efforts to “capture” Nigeria and bring it into its fold. For one thing, Nigeria is an indisputable giant in Africa South of the Sahara. As such, the country can be a very strategic partner for France. Furthermore, straddled between Francophone countries to the east, west and north, France would very much want to use Nigeria as a stepping stone and a buffer state when it comes to its former territories with which it already enjoys good relations. It must be understood that as a nation, France is a sensitive country to which friendship is paramount. That is why today, Africa’s lone Spanish-speaking country, Equatorial Guinea, is virtually a Francophone country. It has joined the CFA franc zone and embraced the French language to the extent that the language is gaining more and more ground in that country. As a matter of fact, when this writer while in Malabo some years ago asked the Equato-Guinean Minister of State in Charge of External Relations whether Madrid was not offended by the growing ties with Paris, the minister was categorical. He replied: “To be honest with you, what we have gained from France in ten years, we never gained from Spain since independence. So if we had to choose between France and Spain, we would choose France.”

Britain? Count them out

The SCNC will be making a monumental error if it thinks the British will support its separatist ambitions. British colonial policy was such that once they left a territory, they left with the little they had and never came back. It was as if on leaving they shook the dust off their feet and said: “God riddance”. That is why in Britain, when someone introduces himself as coming from Cameroon, the first reaction of the British person is: “So, you speak French?” That is because many of them are ignorant or simply do not care that their country once had ties with Cameroon. Also, unlike the French, the British are not good at wooing and keeping friends. That is why higher education is very expensive for foreign students in Britain. Yet many foreign students are from the so-called (poor) Third World countries which are known for their high rate of poverty. Britain charges the foreign student at least six times what the same student is charged in France. Some observers have even asserted that Britain is blatantly and callously milking foreign students dry in order to remain fat.

Building on a porous foundation

The problem is that the approach and strategy chosen by the SCNC are porous. Firstly, the SCNC has always been imbued with a confidence which although praiseworthy, is unfortunately not backed by any solid courage. The pressure group wants autonomy but is not prepared to stand the heat that comes with it. In fact, its approach reminds one of the legendary mice who agreed it was necessary to bell the cat so that whenever it was nearby, they would be warned by the ringing bell and then escape. The plan was hailed by all the mice present but when the key question was asked as to who exactly would bell the cat, no one was willing to do it. As a result the plan flopped for want of implementation. As such, the SCNC appears to be knowingly or unknowingly practising the counterproductive strategy of the ostrich which when confronted by an adversary, buries its head in the sand and thinks it has hidden itself.

The empror`s “naked” clothes

The SCNC seems to be suffering from political inexperience. Some years ago, it despatched some of its members to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. On their way back to Cameroon, they stopped over in London to brief their brethren in the United Kingdom. They triumphantly toasted victory. When asked concretely what they had achieved at the United Nations, they had nothing to show. Their only victory was the fact that they had been received and listened to by someone. But the United National headquarters is a public office where anyone can be received. A couple of years back, the SCNC boasted that it had taken its case to an international Dakar-based arbitration body. But then, apart from the fact that the body in question does not have the powers to enforce a decision on any country, it contented itself with advising the SCNC to create a political party and work from within it. Surely that was not what the SCNC had expected. Today, the pressure group (because that is what it really is) is more divided than ever before. It is in factions, splintered and maimed.

The golden opportunity

Leaders of the SCNC missed a golden opportunity about a decade ago when they failed to support Ni John Fru Ndi in his bid to become President of the Republic of Cameroon. If the grievances of the SCNC really and truly hinge on the fact of Anglophone marginalization, then one wonders why they did not threw in their weight behind the Anglophone Fru Ndi when he came into prominence and nearly beat incumbent Paul Biya to become President of Cameroon. That was some ten years ago, yet since Fru Ndi’s party, the SDF, came into prominence over a decade ago, it has remained the country’s unchallenged leading opposition party. So is it too late for the SCNC to come clean, swallow its pride and support the SDF Chairman, especially now that the SDF is still the only opposition party likely to topple Paul Biya? Well, it’s up to the SCNC.

Wanting in compassion

 There is another point on which the SCNC has faltered, or at least not lived up to expectations. It is that of showing that although it is not yet in power, it cares for the people it claims to lead. When the Lake Nyos exploded in 1986 claiming human lives and property to a disturbing extent, the SCNC was mute. At least it did not step forward; it did not come centre-stage to offer relief. When the Mount Cameroon exploded, the SCNC was not seen leaping into action. Apart from loving the sound of its own voice, the SCNC has not spearheaded any help schemes for any segment of society. It has not offered any poverty relief schemes for the people such as housing, health care, education, rural development or poverty reduction. Although it claims that Bakassi is its own, it stepped aside and let Paul Biya do all the hard work that was involved in the territory being declared Cameroon’s by the International Court at The Hague. The SCNC must realize that in order to succeed it needs to match words with action, rhetoric with deeds.

Diachronic perspective or synchronic cut?

I have personally always been puzzled by the historical cut off point they SCNC has chosen. Why specifically the period of the Southern Cameroons? Why not the period when the French and English territories were one, under the Germans? Why not even the period when Anglophone Cameroon was governed as the semi-autonomous State of West Cameroon? The latter period is the one I personally knew and can remember today because it coincides with the time of my being born and growing up. So, I would not cast my vote for a distant Southern Cameroons which I know little about. I leave that to my parents and grand parents. That was their era, not mine.

The bottom line

Having said that, I believe there is an Anglophone problem in the country. But I also believe it can be solved through inclusion, not exclusion. The present era in Cameroon is ours; that is, that of my generation. Unlike our parents who schooled in Nigeria and to a lesser extent, Britain, we are the generation that aimed at entering the Federal Bilingual College and later on studied at the University of Yaounde. We studied alongside our francophone brothers and sisters. Today we work alongside them in the same offices and sit on the same committees at the National Assembly. We are increasingly speaking or at least understanding the other official language. Our children have taken the struggle even further. To understand the point, we only have to look at the number of French-speaking children who are flooding into the typically Anglo-Saxon schools throughout the national territory. They are quickly improving their English while their French remains in tact.

So where do we go from here?

 Honestly, when a team is not performing well, the coach has to reconsider his line-up. He may have to change his strategy. Whether the changes he makes are drastic and far-reaching or they are cosmetic and therefore mere window dressing, it is up to him. But At the end of the day, he will be held responsible for the result. At the end of the day, what we want is the greatest good of the greatest number.