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mercredi 7 octobre 2015

DO THE STARS INFLUENCE US? (Updated version)

From then to now

Over the centuries a lot of research has been done and a lot of material written and broadcast on the subject of astrology. One aspect that has been examined by scholars is whether the stars do influence our behaviour.

But what is astrology?

Perhaps the first question to ask is what exactly astrology is. That would then be the basis on which a discussion can be held and inferences made. A number of definitions have been offered. Molly Hall in an article entitled `What is astrology? `, says: “The stars and planets have always inspired a sense of wonder. Many cultures look skyward and see the face of the divine there. There's a cosmic dance on the grand scale, and one on the intimate scale, going on for each of us. Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships -- of planets in motion, our birth chart, synastry with others, the make-up of elements -- and using that knowledge as a tool to find meaning”.  She explains further that “Astrology's premise is that the planetary movements influence the Moments in Time. Since we're part of the story of the Universe, our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The planets continue to move, engaging with the fixed in time energies of our birth chart.”

Ed Grabianowski posits that astrology is “the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually stars and planets, have on human lives. The position of the sun, stars, moon and planets at the time of people's birth (not their conception) is said to shape their personality, affect their romantic relationships and predict their economic fortunes, among other divinations. Cafe puts it this way: “For centuries, humans have looked to the heavens for guidance. Astrology is, put simply, the study of the correlation between the astronomical positions of the planets and events on earth. Astrologers believe that the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets at the time of a person's birth have a direct influence on that person's character. These positions are thought to affect a person's destiny, although many Astrologers feel that free will plays a large role in any individual's life. We, at Cafe Astrology, feel that Astrology can be used as a powerful and fun tool for understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us. We use many different tools, or languages, to define and understand our world. For example, we can use psychological tools and terminology to explore human behaviour. Similarly, Astrology gives us rich tools for understanding human character, and offers us a language for communicating our observations with others. Randall Curtis in the book, `Planetary Clusters`, written under the aegis of the Institute of Planetary Psychology uses the expression, “heavenly solutions to earthly problems” to describe astrology.

God, the Alpha and the Omega

Whatever way one looks at the subject, God – the higher being –comes centre-stage. If we accept that God the Creator of all and everything is so much more superior to us and we are so much more inferior to him, then we can easily understand how his ways can be numerous, complex and beyond our understanding. So how can we who are so microcosmic dispute that which is so macrocosmic? Once we acknowledge that God is the Supreme Being, then we cannot contest the fact that the heavens (which he created) and we (whom he also created) are inextricably interlinked and interwoven. 

Carole Taylor who is Director of Studies at the Faculty of Astrology in London (United Kingdom) in her `Introducing Astrology` rightly quotes an Orphic prayer as far back as the 4th Century BCE as saying “I am a child of Earth and Starry Heaven, but of Heaven is my birth.” Taylor also quotes Dane Rudhyar in the publication `An Astrological Mandala` (Vintage Books, p 383) as saying “the significance of astrology is that it can transform the profane into the sacred, the facts of astronomy into the revelation of a cosmic order manifest in the cell and the human person as well as in the solar system and the galaxy.”

What can astrology do to us?

On what astrology can do to us, Taylor states that it “takes us into the very heart of life – it is at once intuitive and intellectual,  down-to-earth, and deeply magical; a system of thought and a very pragmatic tool: a philosophy of an interconnected earth and sky which over the centuries has inspired both scientists and artists, and is capable of describing and illuminating every stratum of life on earth, from the workings of the individual human psyche to the rhythms and cycles of the natural environment.”

Although many people`s knowledge of astrology is limited to what the media tells us about the horoscope, Taylor explains that the constitution of what astrology represents is more complex than that. The discipline comprises many branches among which are the horoscope (predictions based on the interpretation of the individual`s birth chart), natural chart work (working the potential of a single chart), synastry (the study of relationships between people), horary (the answering of a particular question), electional (the choosing of an ideal time to begin a new venture), and relocation (analyzing the effects of a move or a visit to another part of the world)”. Further to the different branches astrology offers, Taylor points out that the discipline has many applications among which are its being “a consultative tool for use alongside psychotherapy or contemporary therapies (and I add, `counselling`; a discipline which is increasingly being used to point pupils and students in the right direction ); in business and financial fields; as inspiration for art, design, music and other forms of self-expression; and of course, self development and a better understanding of the world and the people around us.”

The mechanics of astrology

Taylor calls astrology “an immensely rewarding subject – a potent language of archetypal symbols which becomes particularly powerful when used in a modern psychological context. She states that the basic components of a person`s birth chart are not just the zodiac signs (such as Libra, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, etc), but also the “Houses” and the “Aspects”, as well as the “Planets” (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus Mars, Jupiter, etc). Taylor concludes on that point that “these components interweave to form a picture which describes with great accuracy the character and experiences of the (birth) chart`s owner, from the seemingly mundane aspects of life to the rich and complex inner world of the psyche”. Basically, therefore, the planets tell us what is being done, the houses tell us where it is being done; and the signs tell us how it is being done.
The Zodiac represents a ring of 12 signs – like the 12 months of the year, like the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, and like the 12 tribes of Israel. Each is represented by a symbol with which from the behavioral view point it has something in common. The 12 signs and their various symbols are as follows: Aries (the Ram), Taurus (the Bull), Gemini (the Twins), Cancer (the Crab), Leo (the Lion), Virgo (the Virgin), Libra (the Scales of Justice), Scorpio (the Scorpion), Sagittarius (the Archer), Capricorn (the Mountain Goat), Aquarius (the Water Bearer), and Pisces (the Two Fishes swimming in opposite directions).

Where the Natural Elements come in

Although Taylor does not mention the role played by the four natural elements that are Fire, Earth, Air and Water in astrology, their importance makes it necessary for us to include that aspect in our study. Fire burns and inflicts pain, but it also cooks our food. When a fire breaks out, it can rage at terrific speeds. The Earth is fixed and stable and dependable. It is also fertile. It is coldly realistic. The air is intractable, free and non-conformist. Yet it is needed by every living thing. Water has been said to be a “universal solvent”. Without it man cannot live.  The 12 signs of the Zodiac are divided into those four groups of the four natural elements. Under the Fire Element are Aries (March 21 – April 20), Leo (July 23-August 22) and Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)). The Earth signs are Taurus (April 21 – May 21), Virgo (August 23 – September 22) and Capricorn (December 22 – January 19); the Air Signs are Gemini (May 21 – June 20), Libra (September 23 – October 22) and Aquarius (January 20 – February 18); and the Water signs are Cancer (June 21 – July 22), Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) and Pisces (February 19 – March 20).

Molly Hall describes the Fire Signs as having “a simmering at-the-ready stance, as they hunt for things that light them up. They're prone to sudden illuminating flashes of insight and bursts of enthusiasm. Like fire itself, they can flare up when inspired, making them seem very passionate about life. They like to live large, and often feel frustrated by mundane chores and duties. Fire signs are known to be intuitive, and to rely on gut-level instincts. Going on faith in their inner guidance gets them far, but they have a tendency to skip crucial steps, or to be unaware of the emotional impact of their actions.” Regarding the Earth Signs she says “it's common to hear someone described as "earthy." Such a person blends in with their natural habitat. They're sensual, meaning they engage with life through the five senses. It takes time to sense the dense physical world, and earth signs can operate at a slower, more thorough pace than the other elements. They're oriented toward what's real, and often this makes them very productive, able to create tangible results. But if there are no balancing elements, earth's extremes could lead to being a work-a-holic, hoarding of possessions, pettiness, getting stuck in the mundane, stubbornness, etc.” 

Similarly, the Air Signs are those which “use their minds to make sense of their lives. With Air, there's more space between the life lived and the observing mind. This can lead air signs to appear detached, aloof, remote, cool. Sometimes they'll try to talk their way through feelings or analyze a situation instead of encountering its full emotional weight. The gift of Air is flexibility, and their ability to experience life through many prisms. They're often excellent communicators, storytellers, interpreters and journalists. They link people together socially, and often have a curiosity that keeps them out and about.” The Water Signs on the other hand are attuned to waves of emotion and often seem to have a built-in sonar for reading a mood. This gives them a special sensitivity in relationships, knowing when to show warmth and when to hold back. At their best, they are a healing force that brings people together -- at their worst, they are psychic vampires, able to manipulate and drain the life force of those closest to them. Water signs are tuned into the many shades of meaning in relationships, and at times can absorb "vibes" from others. They have to work harder than other elements to maintain their personal boundaries.”

The specificities of each of the twelve signs

Even so, regardless of affiliation to a Natural Element, each of the 12 signs still has specific characteristics which distinguish it from the other signs.  <> has summarized them thus: Aries is “active, demanding, determined, effective, and ambitious”, the key words for Taurus are “security, subtle strength, appreciation, instruction, and patience”, and for Gemini it is “communication, indecision, inquisitive, intelligence, and change”. The Cancerian is characterized by “emotion, diplomacy, intensity, impulsiveness, and selectiveness”. For the Leo, it is “power, authority, warmth, generosity, faithfulness, and initiative”, while the Virgo stands out through “analytical power, practicality, reflection, observation, and thoughtfulness “. The Libra stands for balance, social justice, the truth, beauty, and perfection”. The Scorpio is “transient, self-willed, purposeful, an unyielding”. The Sagittarius is “philosophical, in motion, always experimenting, and optimistic.” The characteristics of the Capricorn are “determination, dominance, perseverance, practicality, and a strong will.” Those of the Aquarian are “knowledge, humanitarianism, sacrifice, and insightfulness.” For the Pisces, the characteristics are “fluctuation, depth, imagination, reaction, and indecision.”

Another look at the character traits

Taylor takes a different but similar view of the characteristics of individual signs, here below paraphrased:

-        ARIES is the first of the 12 signs and represents what Taylor calls “the initiatory energy of spring”. Aries represents “the impulse to be first, ahead of the rest, driving the pace or being a courageous pioneer”. The sign is “bold and fiery, taking the initiative and directing its energy with speed towards a target.”

-        TAURUS is calm and placid. Taylor says the sign is an energy field which is “earthy and measured, taking pleasure in the organic rhythms of the natural world or the sensuality of taste and touch.” People from the sign tend to “act slowly, with deliberation and often with unwillingness to change, let go, or move,” Their strong point is “gradual accumulation, the slow building or bringing to fruition of whatever it happens to be, often with a strongly material or physical dimension to it.”

-        GEMINI which is symbolized  by the “Twins” is said to “stand for duality, often representing a split between two opposites but with a lightness dexterity (and I add, freedom) that can allow easy movement between the two, like an alternating current – two jobs, two homes, two creative talents, and son on. Communication and language, dialogue, exchanges, networks, bridges and links of all kinds feed the Gemini spirit, as does learning and the uptake and dissemination of knowledge and ideas in this most cerebral of signs.”

-        CANCER embodies the Protective claws “of the Crab, which is its symbol. As such the Cancerian person aims to “nurture, foster, defend and keep safe”. He or she also has a “strong orientation towards family and tribe, gravitating towards that which is felt to be familiar and secure, and will defend his/her territory with tenacity” The Cancerian is “a highly sensitive sign, sensitive and emotional – planets here often act from “gut instinct” rather than from a place of clear rationality or logic.”

-        LEO is symbolized by the Lion which is widely known as the king of the jungle. The lion carries itself around with the unshakeable feeling of superiority and even ownership that cannot be challenged even by an elephant. The lion, as we know, is “proud and regal”. Leos tend to act in a bold manner and dramatically too, and Taylor adds, “with a sense of showmanship, grandeur and bravura.” Leo is by nature warm, bright in outlook, creative and playful. Taylor adds that “in this person is embedded the myth of kingship (and I add, natural leadership) – a bright central flame around which everything revolves and which provides leadership, fidelity and loyalty.”

-        VIRGO is the sign characterized by perfection, care, orderliness and precision in what they say, do and expect from others. This is the sign of craftsmanship and engineering, and the results-based approach to problems. Virgo people are humble but at the same time have high expectations of others. In fact, it is said that they usually set standards that are “too high for the ordinary human being”. The Virgo person is reserved and tends to go for that which is useful and has a purposeful outcome. Virgoans do not like speculation, let alone gambling of any type because they want to be sure of what they say and do and sure of its outcome. Taylor adds that: “the sun is in Virgo during harvest time and an agricultural anecdote is appropriate here – this is the sign denoting the process of sorting wheat from chaff, what is useful from what is not, giving it dominion over the digestive organs in the human body as well as a connection with the gift of being able to research, analyze, appraise and evaluate.”

-        LIBRA: According to Taylor , this sign which is symbolized by the scales of justice is in a process which is about “weighing and balancing, making it a fine adjudicator or referee – its famous capacity for indecision may even be seen as part of this process, since Libra is concerned with justice and a fair outcome. As a dualistic sign, it is interested in the notion of relationship and interpersonal connection, one-to-one, making it socially skilled, diplomatic, charming and courteous.”

-        SCORPIO: The Sun moves into this sign in late autumn in the northern hemisphere “when the natural world begins to draw its energy in readiness for a rebirth in spring.” As such, Scorpios tend to express themselves with deep feelings, passion and intensity. The sign is secretive to a certain extent – not always showing or saying everything that is in their mind, yet having a feeling which is very intense and passionate. They tend to bottle up feelings at times. As a result, they can sometimes suffer in silence. Scorpios are peace-loving by nature and are capable of making incredible sacrifices for the one they love or that which they believe in. Taylor comments that Scorpios “can show fixity, loyalty and a reluctance to let go, but can also engage in a process of ruthless elimination when this is deemed to be necessary.” The Scorpio loves intensely, totally and loyally and is very emotional and sensual.”

-        SAGITTARIUS is “the archer whose arrow is shot hopefully into the far distance.” Taylor states that Sagittarians “tend to need a broad canvass on which to plant their particular picture and they often display boldness, optimism and confidence. With Sagittarius, bigger usually feels better, and the instinct is to cover ground and feel free.” says that “the Sagittarius-born people are optimistic and always look at the brighter side of things. This helps them to give their best even in difficult situations (…) The Archers will speak the brutal truth, and they always mean what they say. Their comments can, however, sometimes be too harsh and may hurt other people (…)They are intelligent and enthusiastic people, always interested in different kinds of subjects and can easily impress others with their conversation (…)The Sagittarius-born people are philosophical and have a strong sense of right and wrong. They love to exchange views on spiritual matters (…) these people are very generous. They can go out of their way to help others in achieving their objectives and to lead a comfortable life (…) The Sagittarius-born people are adventurous. They will never shy away from taking risks to keep the excitement alive (…)They are prone to taking things for granted, and taking unnecessary risks. Their careless approach to life attracts criticism from everyone (…) Their honesty can sometimes be too brutal, which hurts others. A lesson on how to speak tactfully can help them a great deal (…)The people born under this Sign are prone to be restless and can push things too far, especially when their energy is not channelized properly (…)Outer looks mean a lot to them. They don’t have enough patience or inclination to look below the surface to see the actual substance (…) their interest in things can be short-lived, and keeps fluctuating. Thus they end up being less efficient than they can be. They find it extremely difficult to deliver consistent performance (…) The Sagittarius natives can be over-confident. They tend to believe that they can do no wrong, and thus actually end up making many mistakes.

-        CAPRICORN has a “civilizing influence” which makes people of the sign bring to society, civic order, regulation and a system that is well run. According to Taylor, Capricorns have a tendency to be mature, dignified and reserved. They display a certain ability for hard work, focused attention and results to match effort. They have a dogged determination in their approach to life. They are good at making plans and seeing them through.

-        AQUARIUS: The symbol of this sign is the Water Bearer, which does not mean it is a Water Sign. The Water Signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The water jar which is symbolically carried by the Aquarian is symbolic of its ever-present disposition to “give” to humanity; even more that humanity is prepared to ask. That is why in the sign`s symbol of the Water Bearer, we see someone pouring water non-stop, yet there is nobody at the other end tapping it. Taylor sees the Aquarian as being non-conformist, self-willed and independent in spirit. She adds that “they tend to play the game by their own rules, with a view to the freedom which comes from innovation and experimentation.”Aquarius is eternally and unavoidably attached to the common good. The Aquarius person seeks for the human race – rather for itself – equality and a world characterized by horizontal structures (equality) rather than vertical structures (hierarchy and domination of others). The Capricorn has a logical, intellectual and rational approach to life. While the philosophy of the Aries, for example is “me first, others next”, that of the Aquarius tends to be “others first, me last”

-        PISCES is the twelfth and final sign of the Zodiac and as such is the opposite of Aries which is the very first sign. So while Aries initiates and pioneers, Pisces on the other hand “disintegrates and dissolves so that the life cycle can close and begin again with Aries. As such, Pisces which embodies experiences from the other eleven signs that precede it tends to be sympathetic – sometimes too sympathetic. Pisces can be vindictive in the sense that when someone hurts them, instead of seeking out the person and confronting them directly, they tend to withdraw from that person. Pisceans tend to be too generous and can often give “all of what” they have to someone in need. The strong points of the Pisces are intuition, and a fertile imagination, just like it is with the other two water signs – Cancer and Scorpio – That rare gift enables them to discern that which has not been written and that which has not been said.


The above study indicates that far from being a haphazard concoction, man`s relationship with the universe is carefully designed and regimented by a higher being who binds us humans to himself, his universe and to each other in a very intricate and perfect manner. Yes, the stars do influence us. Even so, this does not mean that we lead predetermined lives. It simply means that we have a role to play in the shaping of our lives. The idea is that since each sign has both positive and negative aspects, we can work on our negative ones and learn from the positive ones of other people.

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