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lundi 29 septembre 2014


Space is not just space
You can call it an ace
Or even a race
Term it matter
Term it substance
Even name it form.

It`s both concrete and abstract
It`s here and there
It`s everywhere and nowhere
It`s masculine and it`s feminine.

It`s cosmic
It`s nebulous
It`s compact
It`s scattered
It`s little
It`s large
It`s drifting
It`s stable.

It`s filled with the moon, the stars and constellations
It holds our destiny
It contains galaxies
It spins odes
It chants dirges
It brings light
It spells darkness.

It`s a new world
It`s an old world
It`s day
It`s night.

We use it
We abuse it
We respect it
We invade it.

It`s man
It`s God.

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