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vendredi 2 mai 2014



The crisis in the Ukraine is deepening. When it started, it was a tug of war between Ukrainians who wanted their country to tilt towards the European Union and those who wanted it to tilt towards the traditional partner and neighbour: Russia. There was so much polarization that the pro-Russian president of Ukraine fled. Pro-European hardliners now seized power in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

The reaction of the United States and subsequently that of the European Union was to threaten that if Moscow did not put a stop to what was going on in Ukraine, it would face sanctions. That was a continuous refrain from Washington. The idea was that as far as Washington was concerned, Moscow was the cause of the unrest and Moscow would have to fix it.

Later, part of Eastern Ukraine – predominantly Russian in origin – surprisingly broke off and applied to Moscow to become part of Russia. Since then there has been a rippling effect with Pro-Russians taking over key public institutions and towns in the East and clamouring for a referendum in which they want to break free of Kiev. Kerry`s strident calls to Russia have now been modified and have become pleas for assistance.

Today, the picture in the East of Ukraine has become dirty and has all the hallmarks of a civil war. There have been regular clashes between Ukrainian government forces seeking to quell the rebellion in the East and Pro-Russian artillery counter attacks which have recently led to two two Ukrainian fighter jets being shot down and the pilot killed.

 One of the latest developments is that Moscow has called for a meeting of the Security Council of the UN to discuss the debacle.

Just how far this conflict will go is a difficult nut to crack.

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