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lundi 30 décembre 2013


SEEKING A PLACE UNDER THE SUN By Tikum Mbah Azonga I`m not a thread needle Far from it, I`m a needle thread I don`t pierce I wrap I wrap the world round my little finger I do that sitting on a loan dinghy on the majestic Nile Thinking of nothing but the Sierra Leonian girl with the gap teeth Who lived in Khartoum But thought she lived in Cairo. I`m a needle with a difference Surely not the type through whose eye a camel can go For, frankly, who am I to merit such a threat? I`m the cornerstone the Morcho`s rejected Because they shared a fence with the presidency I mean with Unity Palace – did you doubt it? Today I pitch at their doorway With multiple threads wrapped around the lone needle. We wait for the judge to speak But we know not who will carry the day.

1 commentaire:


    By Tikum Mbah Azonga

    I`m not a thread needle
    Far from it, I`m a needle thread
    I don`t pierce
    I wrap
    I wrap the world round my little finger
    I do that sitting on a loan dinghy on the majestic Nile
    Thinking of nothing but the Sierra Leonian girl with the gap teeth
    Who lived in Khartoum
    But thought she lived in Cairo.

    I`m a needle with a difference
    Surely not the type through whose eye a camel can go
    For, frankly, who am I to merit such a threat?
    I`m the cornerstone the Morcho`s rejected
    Because they shared a fence with the presidency
    I mean with Unity Palace – did you doubt it?
    Today I pitch at their doorway
    With multiple threads wrapped around the lone needle.
    We wait for the judge to speak
    But we know not who will carry the day.
