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mardi 10 juin 2014



 "Can we accept that there is a passport which is being issued and citizens can now use it for visa and traveling?”
This was in response to the reactions published online on a so-called Southern Cameroons passport someone was depicted displaying in a photograph online.


 A passport is not a toy. It is an authentic document issued by a recognized authority with contact details. Secondly, for there to be a Southern Cameroons Republic passport, such a country needs to have existed and is recognized. As far as I know, it`s all in the minds of some people.

It is utterly laughable for anyone to take seriously the so-called Southern Cameroons passport  as being a  genuine document, let alone talking about it being used to travel. From what country to what country? What countries stamped it for exit and entry?

Somebody mentioned the case of Ukraine as a parallel to that of the Southern Cameroons. But proponents of the Ukrainian cause are real people who have taken action and fought, staking and losing lives. Proponents of the Southern Cameroons are white collar absentee people waving a flag in the abstract and afraid of seeing blood, let alone shedding. They are afraid of the sound of gun shots.

There is a saying that people who go to war should not start counting the number of dead people. The reason is that if they do, they may get discouraged and lose the war before it has started. Proponents of the Southern Cameroons have counted dead people even without setting foot on the battlefield.

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